No More Forcing States to Support Abortion


Date: Sept. 29, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on House passage of H.R. 3495, the Women's Public Health and Safety Act:

"Under this Administration, Washington's appetite for power is unlimited. We've seen this as President Obama and Congressional Democrats want to force the taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood despite national objections to the sickening videos that have been released. But we can also see it in the way the federal government tries to force states to spend money on organizations they don't support.

"The House voted today to give states the power to exclude abortion providers from receiving Medicaid funding in their states. We need to make it clear not only that states deserve more authority--not the federal government--but also that nobody should be forced to support such callous and horrific practices with their tax dollars."
